Laurent Gardet

I came to Mallorca and, more particularly, to Deia from my childhood thanks to my grandfather who bought a house in 1948.
For the past twenty years I have been creating installations, which I call "ephemeral sculptures", in nature. They are elaborated without tools with the materials encountered on site. I try through these sculptures to create a disorder between what could be a natural accident and an artificial intervention. The goal is to arouse curiosity about an anomaly that would be very slightly different from the natural arrangement of things.
To do this, I most of the time choose places where I can intervene discreetly. These are often inaccessible places other than by swimming, climbing, or long walks. And if by chance a walker passes by I hide to observe his surprise. But above all I like to put myself in a state of improvisation and to be available to an unexpected situation where everything depends on the inspiration of the moment and the encounter with a landscape.
They are often fragile constructions (although some surprise me with their longevity) but it is also good because they leave no traces and are the result of a momentary harmony with a place.
Once the work is done, that's the paradox, I take a picture to keep track. Little by little I accumulated a number of images that constitute a memory of the different interventions.
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