Vivian Borsani

Vivian Wulff Borsani
Born 1965 in Sao Paolo, Brazil
Childhood in Brazil, Germany and France
1984 Graphic Art School Penninghen, Paris
1986 Ecole National des Arts Decoratifs specialising in Textile Design and Fine Arts
1987 summer semester in Urbino, Italy with The School of Visual Arts New York under the tutoring of Yannis Kounellis and Enzo Cucchi
1990 Textile Designer at Mantero Disegni, Como, Italy
1991 studentship at the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, Venice, Italy
Since 1992 freelance artist with exhibitions in France, Germany, Italy and Spain
Since 1998 living in Mallorca, Spain
2013 opening the Art Studio 13b in Palma
2014 Art Seminar with artist colleague Ransome Stanley in Kolbemoor, Germany
Webbs Gallery London/Battersea
Fulham Palace Art and Craft Fair
The Hillside Hotel, Isle of Wright
Contemporary Gallery Berlin, Berlin
New Artist Fair, London
Art5 Gallery, Brighton
Art5 Gallery, Panama
shortlisted at The Secret Art Prize, London
Art San Diego, with MR art gallery, Madrid
Affordable Art Fair London
Affordable Art Fair Stockholm
Represented in various private collections in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Luxemburg, USA, Canada, France, Sweden, Panama and Spain
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