Emily Benet

Emily Benet is a novelist turned author-illustrator. Her children's books star the famous rescue pup Bobby from the Bin. Her watercolour and pencil pieces include dog playdates and uplifting settings for her fictional characters. She is half Spanish and half English and lives on the island with her husband and two young daughters. (ESP) Emily Benet es una novelista convertida en autora-ilustradora. Sus libros infantiles están protagonizados por el famoso perro "Bobby from the Bin" que fue rescatado de un contenedor de basura en Alicante. En sus acualeras destacan los playdates de perros y escenarios con sus personajes de sus libros. Ella es mitad española y mitad británica y vive en la isla con su marido y dos hijas pequeñas.
The Washing Machine
Watercolour and Pencil
21.5cm X 21.5cm
This illustration is featured in the book Bobby from the Bin Gets a Brother. Selected originals from the book are available to buy.

Bobby in the Enchanted Forest
Watercolour and Pencil
21cm x 29.7cm
This is a stand alone watercolour. It has glitter accents.
Playdate with Gizmo and Poppy
Watercolour and Pencil
21cm x 29.7cm
A special commission. Poppy and Gizmo are featured alongside Bobby from the Bin and Archie Labradork.

Bobby, Archie and Boris do Halloween
Watercolour and Pencil
21cm x 29.7cm
Bobby and Archie on a playdate with another internet star, Boris the White Boxer.
Bobby at the Aquarium
Watercolour and Pencil
20cm x 24cm
Bobby and Archie at the aquarium. A stand alone piece inspired by visits to Palma{s Aquarium.

Bobby in Spring
Watercolour and Pencil
16cm x 20cm
A watercolour sketch to celebrate spring.
The Greatest Stick in the World
Watercolour and pencil
21.5cm x 21.5cm
This is one of the illustrations from The Greatest Stick in the World. Selected originals are available for sale.