Maria Alomar Quetglas

My name is Maria Alomar, originally from Mallorca. Currently, I'm studying at the Limerick School of Art and Design in Ireland. In my body of work titled 'Where It Meets,' I delve into the intriguing relationship between humans and the natural world. Specifically, I focus on the profound effects of human intervention on both the environment and cultural traditions. Through my artwork, I strive to shed light on the significance of cultural identity and the deep connection between individuals and their land. Having grown up in Mallorca, I've personally witnessed the impact of tourism on the natural environment and local culture. And how nature can reclaim its place in the built environment.
<a href='@artz_artz target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline">'@artz_artz
<a href='@artz_artz target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline">'@artz_artz
'Where it Meets'
Acrylic, wall-filler and thread on Canvas
2 X A3
This work explores the Mallorquin landscape. Using a combination of grid-like shapes and wall filler to visually represent the stark contrast between the Human-made surroundings and the Living landscape. Featuring traditional shapes like 'figues' and 'sa vorera de la mar'

'Places We Call Home'
Acrylic, wall-filler and thread on Canvas
A4 and A3
Featuring 'ses illes' and 'flors d'ametller'