Maria Eugenia Piacentini

Eugenia is a self-taught artist, who learnt and worked in a variety of disciplines, including special effects (for theatre and film). She later received further training at the La Palma Art School in Madrid and the Francisco Alcántara School of Ceramics.
She has exhibited both in individual and group shows in Mallorca, Madrid, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Ourense, Rome, Miami, Paris, Zurich, Singapore, Coburg, and Munich.
She loves the deep and detailed work of ceramics because she feels a deep resonance with this spontaneous and faithful medium that allows her work to speak for itself. She believes she is a cultural channel through which the world of ideas and magical expressions can flow freely. The reality in which we live is revealed to her as a pure and undiluted focus to search for the source through her work, perhaps in a quest to delve into her existential doubts revolving around anthropology. Her focus on realism and tension through form is the audacious means by which she hopes to leave a deep impression on her viewers. Her work aims to both create and destroy identifications and empathies.
stoneware, glazing and acrylic - gres cerámico
100 x 38 x 45
To which distant horizon do you rush on your adventures? The adventures of your own myth, which is also a universal myth, united with all the other myths. Life itself is a myth. The heroine’s journey, who returns after undergoing symbiosis, after having reaped learning and after defeating her own dragons. The hard-won victory fills with symbols of wisdom and intuition, with colours and shapes. Monomyth Symbiosis

stoneware - gres cerámico
51 x 45 x 33
From humankind’s first steps on this earth, to the existential questions we have been asking ourselves throughout the millennia, what lies deepest inside us, deeper even than our roots and mental conceptualizations, is a sense of belonging to a whole. This intuition is ingrained in our primitive brain and struggles to divest itself of all superficial mimicry. From laws to dogmas, everything is superfluous in this disencumberment. In these times our exterior obliges us to examine our interior,
polychromed clay - barro policromado
88 x 20 x 22
En el 8 fluye de manera infinita ∞ la conexión entre lo de arriba y lo de abajo, entre lo superior y lo inferior. Aunque estas esferas parezcan opuestas, su límite, volcado en sinergia, es precisamente la unión y equilibrio de estas dos energías; la esfera espiritual y la esfera material. Lo etéreo y espiritual que se eleva esfumándose como fuerza anímica (Ba egipcio) no hace sino sostener su equivalente material y mundano trajeado de robustas, pesadas y enladrilladas botas que pisan norma tras

Sexy ceramics - cerçamica sexy
stoneware & goldleaf - gres cerámico
12 x 9 x 8
¿Crees que el diseño podría ser el objeto de nuestras sensaciones, emociones, pensamientos y fantasías? ¿Hasta qué punto el diseño es subjetivo? Es decir, que nosotros demos forma y utilidad a un diseño… El diseño aquí parecer ser el sujeto de esta historia: unas inocentes líneas y planos pueden evocar nuestros sentidos para inducirnos a lo estético y al misterioso erotismo dentro de una masa humanoide que parece ser abstracta. Sexy ceramics emplea el juego entre lo abstracto y lo figurativo, co
The perpetual chance
Papier m âché, plaster, wire, acrylic paint, gloss
50 x 45 x 28
hey wend their separate ways in a crucial, all-embracing, yet eternal moment. They float subjected to the sinuosity of life, the wandering threads of destiny that convey us from one experience to the next; the starting point that paradoxically ends in the infinite and may even repeat itself.

Africa in perspective
55 x 22 x 15
From whatever viewpoint, the piece exudes tension. The tension in the feet is the tension that binds them to the land that nurtured them to the point of enslaving them with their own resources. The tension in the heads and hands is an infinite gesture that tirelessly attempts to reach our attention within a deliberately distorted focus. Work inspired on the documentary by Renzo Martens "Enjoy Poverty". It cares about capturing and sharing the dynamics of poverty as a sort of resource itself, wh
Le Truc
stoneware & acrylics - gres cerámico y acrílicos
45 x 31,50 X 2
he attainment of our objectives very often requires some slight of hand, but what we don’t realise is that we are meshing with the oiled wheel of non-conformity and dissatisfaction – a centrifugal circle of desires which convert us into their own driving force. At the end of the day the circle is an infinite game in which we should learn how to find our own formula. Is it just a question of attitude? ... Ceramic and oil.paint

stoneware & acrylics - gres cerámico y acrílicos
22 x 25 x 12
360º smile. Forget about that ear-to-ear smile.
Synchronic owl - lechuza sincrónica
stoneware, enamels, goldleaf - cerámica, esmaltes
18 x 22 x 9
La casualidad de ver tantas lechuzas blancas convergen en un punto que podría llamarse sincronicidad si uno está consciente de verlo justo en el momento en que se sucede.