Marta Falomir

Marta Falomir was born in the Mediterranean city of Valencia (Spain) and currently lives in Mallorca.
Art and visual expression have accompanied her throughout her life in many ways, from her university studies in Audiovisual Communication throughout a decade dedicated to audiovisual production with constant worldwide travelling.
She settles in Mallorca in 2011 and focuses on developing a personal way of seeing and interpreting the world; first through photography and collage and finally turning to painting.
Marta discovers her element and begins self-taught training in different painting techniques. The breathtaking and magical landscapes of this island inspire her to develop a new form of visual expression to convey emotions and experiences creating colourful abstract paintings that evoke memories and past experiences adding new impressions and thoughts.
One of the main drivers of her work is the search for contrast through colour, layering and the use of different media. She currently uses watercolours, tempera, pastel sticks, ink, acrylics, pieces of scrap canvas and water spray paint, searching for the perfect combination of techniques and materials for each artwork.
Her works have been exhibited in galleries, in Spain, Germany and France, as well as in numerous digital exhibitions with several international galleries.
Instagram: @martaandthestars
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