Nina Roca

I am a family doctor and currently also a self-taught painter, I have learned through the trial-error method and collecting information from other experts through websites and social networks.
Since 2023 I have channeled all my potential, time and effort into doing what I like, painting.
Some goals:
Publication of “Wave” in the contemporary art magazine Artistonish Magazine 43rd Issue. February 2024.
Feminine Brushstrokes virtual exhibition Pice Gallery (March 1 to 31, 2024), with "Sunset by the sea".
Virtual virtual exhibition Poetic Canvas – Pice Gallery (April 1 to 30, 2024), with "Beauty in the little details".
Accepted publication “Poppies in the Wind” in the contemporary art magazine Artistcloseup Magazine (May 2024).
Abartium Gallery “Contemporary Collective Exhibition” (March 23-April 13, 2024). Barcelona. Plays: "Life and color in my inner world", "Spring", "Alpaca" and "Introspection".
Seasons-Spring 2024 (exhibition and promotion). “Poppies.” From April 1 to June 30, 2024
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