Sylvia Baker de Perkal

I am a Spanish-raised British artist residing in Algaida (Mallorca). My work is all about colour and texture, portraying the natural world around me using all manner of materials to enrich the image. A late bloomer as far as artistic production is concerned (life in all its forms took precedence until recently), I am at the early stages of what is proving to be the most magnificent adventure. Painting for me is a source of utter joy and my studio in the garden of my country home has become a place of discovery and wonder.
· Algaidart (Nit del Art – Algaida- September 2021)
· Catavinos (Palma) – (Vino y Arte solo exhibition November 2021)
· Algaidart (Nit del Art – Algaida- September 2022)
Instagram: Sylvia Baker de Perkal
+34 639 846 916
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