Petra Maruschek

Petra Maruschek was born in 1960 and is a qualified bookseller. She works in Düsseldorf and near Santanyi.
She works with unconventional materials such as swamp lime and marble powder, which she uses in her own unique way. The drying process of these materials leads to unpredictable cracks and textures that animate the works in a mysterious way. For Petra Maruschek, these cracks and fissures are more than just physical breaks - they are the expression of a hidden poetry that pervades her works. She uses colours not only as visual elements, but also as emotional carriers that touch the viewer deeply.
Magic of Transience No. 1
Acryl and Ink on Canvas
120 x 100 cm
Everything is in flux, nothing lasts forever. But there is a special beauty in transience. That which passes, leaves traces that remain forever.

Magic of Transience No. 3
Acryl, Ink and Shellac on Canvas
100 x 100 cm
Magic of Transience No. 4
Acryl and Ink on Canvas
100 x 100 cm

Betweeen the Lines No. 2
Mixed Media, Acryl and Ink on Canvas
70 x 50 cm
Sometimes the most important words are not in what is said out loud, but in what is written between the lines.
Between the Lines No. 3
Mixed Media, Acryl and Ink on Canvas
70 x 50 cm

Between the Lines No. 4
Mixed Media, Acryl on Canvas
60 x 50 cm