Jhosep Bocanegra

My name is Jhosep Bocanegra - J Bo. Originally, I am from Colombia, grew up in the Netherlands and currently living for more than 15 years in the breathtaking beauty of Mallorca.
My artistic journey began with a big fascination for Anime manga during my younger years. Intrigued by the characters I started sketching them myself. I couldn´t capture the essence of my favorite characters, but I didn´t give up and kept on practicing. Slowly I saw a transformation of my art, started to participate in competitions and even won some of them.
I wanted to develop myself more by following an art or graphic school, but I got refused, because my level of Dutch and English. I was disappointed about the rejections, but it didn´t make me stop continue being creative and express myself through art. I truly believe that hard work and self-belief can conquer any obstacles.
Inspired by great artists like Vincent van Gogh and Andy Warhol I recognize their humble beginnings.
I love to experiment with various techniques and materials. For me, my art is not just creation; it's a sanctuary of peace and liberty.
Fancy Zorro
Painted Titan Silver & acrylics paint -resin cast
55 cm x35 cm x 35 cm
A Simple Geometric fox sculpture painted with Silver to make it futuristic. Tattooed with famous initials of a brand.

The Unicorn
Acrylics-Diamond dust -titan silver paint & flakes
120 cm X 100 cm
We live in a world where life is being taken too seriously. Where we have forgotten our dreams and beliefs. ¨When did we stop believing in magic¨. - Katy Perry
Acrylics - Diamond Dust-Titan Gold enamel paint
100 cm x 70 cm
This painting serves as a powerful reminder: do not allow life's obstacles to morph into impenetrable walls. Instead, embrace them, acknowledging their presence, and SURRENDER to the transformative journey they bring.

Emerald Eyes
Acrylics & titan gold enamel paint - diamond dust
30 cm x 60 cm
This painting is based on a fun fact: Did you know that green eyes are less than 2% of the world population? So when you see some great green eyes make a wish.